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Sell Your Home With Resilient Realty

Sell your home with Resilient Realty for expert guidance and personalized service from experienced professionals.

Sales History from 1970 for

Greg Peters

Principal Realtor & Partner; General Contractor
Member of: WRA; NAR

Proceeds Calculator

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RealEstimateSM: $0

Estimated Mortgage Balance: $0

Selling Costs: $0

Repairs: $0

This calculator provides an estimate only and is not intended to replace advice from a real estate professional.

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document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { // Function to get query parameters function getQueryParam(param) { const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); return urlParams.get(param); } // Get the value of the 'value' query parameter var homeEstimate = getQueryParam('value') || 0; // Default to 0 if not found // Format the number with commas using toLocaleString var formattedHomeEstimate = parseFloat(homeEstimate).toLocaleString(); // Find the element with ID 'home-estimate' and replace its content var homeEstimateElement = document.getElementById('home-estimate'); if (homeEstimateElement) { homeEstimateElement.innerHTML = "$" + formattedHomeEstimate; } });